Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė – produkto dizaino kūrėja, baigusi gaminio dizaino bakalauro ir…
Barbora Adamonytė-Keidūnė – produkto dizaino kūrėja, baigusi gaminio dizaino bakalauro ir…
Marija received a Bachelor’s degree in product design from Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2010 and completed her Master’s in contextual design at Design Academy Eindhoven in the Netherlands in 2014. She studied industrial design via an exchange program at Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria. Marija uses the human body as a starting point for her designs. Whether it’s a piece of furniture or jewellery, it always possesses an intimate, organic connection with its user. Marija sees the design process more like a ritual where all the given factors, phenomena and coincidences cause the result. She mentors at Vilnius College of Design, works as a product designer for several brands and participates in exhibitions with her own collections. Her current interests are jewellery, ceramics, leather, glass and textile technologies.
Spalio 5-8 dienomis „Litexpo“ parodų ir kongresų centre Vilniuje vyko kasmetinė paroda BALDAI. INTERJERAS. DIZAINAS, kuri jau trečią dešimtmetį sėkmingai kuria ryšius tarp baldų dizaino, gamybos, verslo ir vienintelė taip išsamiai pristato lietuviško dizaino industriją.
Milena Grigaitienė is an independent artist and art director specializing in contemporary graphic art and graphic design. Founder of REGARDS brand.
Milena uses traditional graphic art techniques (e.g. dry point) in a mix with old photo art techniques (e.g. cyanotype). “It enables me to draw the blue into graphic. It also creates the feeling of freedom and easiness,” the artist says.
In collaboration with Milena Grigaitienė – independent artist and art director specializing in contemporary graphic art and graphic design, founder of REGARDS brand – new carpets series “Modern Stroke” were made.
September 9-13 Lithuanian design exhibition “Design Lithuania” was displayed as a part of Paris Design Week. ECOLINUM carpet “The Depth of the sea” designed by Sandra Sarapinienė was included in the national exhibition as well.
The exhibition “Art Salon” represents three designers Indra Marcinkevičienė, Sandra Serapinienė and Vilma Baltuškienė and their art objects: carpets and furniture.
May 1-7 the biggest design festival in Lithuania DESIGN WEEK LITHUANIA will take place for the 12th time, in six different cities of the country – Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Telšiai and Anykščiai. As usual, ECOLINUM will join the festival as well.